Kirsty 2. It's Kind Of Fun To Do The Impossible

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." - Walt Disney

Bar graphs. Scatter plots. Pie charts (mmm pie).

Aside from the word pie, none of these mathematical terms resonate with me very well. But yet I am being thrown in the deep end of analysing them, and more ways completely foreign to my creative brain of presenting the data of the 24-Hour Book.

We are progressively sifting through the data available and let me just tell you it is overwhelming! It’s like looking at that delicious recipe in your favorite cook book but being too afraid to cook it because it has too many ingredients and complex procedures, so you end up going to a restaurant and leaving it up to the professionals. We are attempting to be those professional chefs and bring you that delicious pie. The problem is, we’re not professionals, but I guess that’s the fun of the game.

I also feel we can’t complain going into the amazing, overwhelming world of the data when the 9 authors had to go in and actually produce a book in 24 hours! In the theme of cooking this prompts me to think of certain baking tasks that would be seemingly impossible to achieve in a refined timeframe. Or is Willow Pattern an indicator that nothing is impossible? Audrey Hepburn did say, “nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!

So, I am calling all you bakers out there to attempt to find a way to bake a cake in 24 minutes. I mean a proper cake too, not just soggy batter that’s started to crust around the edges. If I get plausible comments below of your creative recipes to make a cake in 24 minutes, I’ll try them out and post up my results.

I look forward to the challenge and the results (seeing them and eating them!)… do you? 

Disney, Walt. 2011. 1001 Inspirational Quotes. Austin: Garden State Publishing.
Hepburn, Audrey. 2005. How to be lovely: The Audrey Hepburn way of life. USA: Penguin Group.


  1. Here's a recipe for a 30 minute Chocolate Fudge cake. I'm sure you can shave off some time somewhere to get it under 24 minutes . . .

  2. Oh excellent, thank you Ellendara. I will give this a go and try to shave off the 6 minutes and complete it in 24. I will post the results :)

  3. Here's a mug cake recipe for you to play with:

    Ellendara's fudge cake recipe looks great. Tell us how it goes, Kirsty!
